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Business in America today looks different than yesterday. It may never look the way it was again. Some companies are reeling, others are responding and all leaders are reassessing the way forward. Every industry is affected by the coronavirus outbreak in some way. 

Our medical professionals engage in the fight against COVID19, which hits our Applied Leadership Partners family close to home as Kelly Young serves on the frontline as an ER Nurse. 

We know what it feels like to be on the front lines with your country standing behind you. And while we’ve run towards fire our whole lives, we know, this is not our fight. We will practice social distancing, wash our hands a lot and follow the guidelines of the CDC and local officials. But if we’re being honest, it's hard to watch, feeling helpless to positively impact the fight. 


We’ve felt helplessness before. Most military professionals, if they’re being honest, can recall a moment things didn’t go according to plan. The strategies, the tactics the intel were all right, but the situation on the ground went all wrong. Usually in an instant. Mike Tyson once famously said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Well, we’ve taken a lot of punches. And we know how to get back up.

Resiliency grows when you reject helplessness and take action. Leaders must recover and respond by making the next best decision possible, with the information available. 

If you’re a leader that’s reeling right now, we’d like to help you. For the next few weeks, Applied Leadership Partners is offering pro-bono consulting time to help leaders navigate these waters of uncertainty. We invite you to book a slot with Blayne and Brandon by following the Calendly link below, no strings attached. 

Odds are, you’re thinking through some really big decisions. We want you to know that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. We are here to be a thought-partner - to lend a little experience, support, or even just an ear.

So, whether you’re thinking through resource constraints, closures, realignments, furloughs, layoffs, communicating remotely or other related operational or strategic pressures, we would be happy to lend a fresh set of eyes and offer some thoughts.

This moment may feel like a punch in the face. Let us help you punch back.