We exist to empower leaders to engage, unite, and inspire their teams. To do this effectively and sustainably, we focus on applying sound leadership principles across three foundational areas.


We believe that leaders and teams succeed by knowing, understanding, and being who they are - and we can help you get there. A deep understanding of ourselves and our team allows us to communicate, collaborate, disagree, and solve problems in ways that strengthen the organization. This work goes well beyond personality profiles. We have to know who we are in space - how we relate to our team, the work, and the environment. This requires some effort, but it is absolutely essential to sustainable effectiveness. Authenticity engenders trust, candor, openness, and innovation.


We believe that leaders and teams succeed by putting the mission and the people at the center. Leadership is a privilege. The fact that people get up in the morning and come to work on your mission is a big deal. You work for them, period. Sustainably effective leaders know and care for their people - colleagues, employees, clients, customers, family…all of them. They offer clear guidance, feedback, support, and recognition. With the mission and people in mind, servant leaders take appropriate risks, make appropriate exceptions, and take responsibility.


We believe that perseverance in adversity offers the opportunity to become the leader the mission, the moment, and the team need you to be. We believe that leaders and teams succeed by investing in relationships and well-being. Great leaders and teams are durable. They prioritize the strength and resilience of their bodies, minds, spirits and relationships. The real world is full of unforeseen challenges and opportunities. So much is out of our control. We must have the energy and confidence to persevere through the rough patches and surge when it’s time to pounce. As we say in Special Operations, competent SOF cannot be created after emergencies occur - start now!